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Tribe Certified: June 2024
“3W is everything you want in a divemaster internship.”
3W is everything you want in a divemaster internship. I accidentally stumbled upon the 3w website, and it didn’t take much further research to know that this was my destination. It was very informative and transparent as far as what to expect, and this continued to ring true in the video call with Cyril.

Cyril and the office staff were very supportive in the process leading up to my arrival. They walked me through the visa process, arranged transportation from the airport, and even assist with securing long term accommodation.

Upon arriving, I was warmly welcomed by the staff. It was quickly apparent that I had made the correct choice. I found the environment to be professional, organized, and yet laid back. All of the instructors had a visible passion for diving, and for teaching. There was something to be learned from everyone. Sebastien was the epitome of who you want in a mentor. He was experienced, knowledgeable, and enjoyed teaching. Much could be learned just by simply observing him under water, but he was always available to answer questions or give one on one mentoring.

One thing I enjoyed most is how there was no great rush to get through the course work or workshops. I had many stretches of simply fun diving, which I feel in its own turned me into a better diver as well. More dives, more experience, more confidence. Though, you’ll learn much more than underwater skills and guiding. At 3W, you’ll learn everything that goes into organizing and conducting a safe, efficient, customer friendly diving operation.

The Gilis offer a great variety of dive sites. Each one has their own charm, as well as challenges and nuances to add to your experience. As for Gili Air itself, coming from the city life, it was a welcome change of pace. No cars, friendly people, no great hurry to be somewhere. There’s a great variety of restaurants for you to become a regular at. It’s sort of sneaks up on you how much the island comes to feel like home. You don’t fully realize it till it comes time to depart. In the end it proved that the hardest part of the internship was leaving. Having finished up in the end of June, I’m already planning to visit again in October.

Click here to ask Nick about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Instagram.


Tribe Certified: April 2024
“If you’re on the hunt for a dive school that’ll turn you into a divemaster extraordinaire, 3W is your golden ticket.”
Embarking on my Divemaster journey with 3W was like diving into an ocean of bliss. It all began with a stroke of luck while I was soaking up the sun in Bali. After a month of wandering through Indonesia, I was itching for a change of pace. That’s when the universe threw me a lifeline as i came across something called a divemaster internship that promised a whole new world of adventure.

I reached out to 3W and was extended a warm invitation for a chat and a live interview. With zero hesitation, I jetted off to Gili Air, where I was welcomed into the 3W tribe with open arms. The vibe was electric, and I was buzzing to start my Open Water course. Surfing was out, but this new wave with 3W? It was set to be epic.

From my very first dive, I was hooked. The underwater world was my new love, and with each dive, my passion only grew. I breezed through my advanced certification, and before I knew it, Cyril was asking if I was ready to level up to Divemaster training. Me, a dive guide? Just months before, I was the one who clung to my nose underwater!

Saying ‘yes’ was a no-brainer, and that’s when the magic really happened. Under Sebastien’s wing, I transformed. His mentorship was top-notch, turning mistakes into lessons that stuck. The training at 3W? Unparalleled. It’s not just about the diving—it’s about growing into your confidence and mastering the art of zen under pressure.

The 3W tribe ?! They’re the real deal—skilled, passionate, and ridiculously supportive. It’s a melting pot of unique talents and experiences, all bubbling over with a shared love for the deep blue. We swapped knowledge, perfected our dives, and shared more than a few belly laughs. Through thick and thin, we were a tribe, bound by the tides.

And Gili Air? Pure paradise. The island life is the good life, with its laid-back beats and tropical treats. Even the rain feels like a warm hug. On your days off, you can snorkel with the fishes or kick back with a cold one and some tunes. And let’s not forget the local wisdom—‘No rice, no power!’ Trust me, you’ll learn to live by it.

Oh, and the best part? No cars, no scooters—just you and your trusty bike, cruising island-style.

So, if you’re on the hunt for a dive school that’ll turn you into a divemaster extraordinaire, 3W is your golden ticket. Dive in, the water’s just fine!

I hope this captures the essence of your experience with a touch of flair suitable for future interns to read. If you need any more tweaks, just let me know!

Click here to ask Mandy about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Instagram.


Tribe Certified: Summer 2023
“Je n’aurais pas pu imaginer un meilleur endroit pour devenir plongeur !”

Venir chez 3W il y a un an pour faire mon Divemaster Internship a changé ma vie !

Je travaillais à Paris et je cherchais une pause pour prendre du temps pour moi et plonger ! Après beaucoup de recherches et divers contacts, 3W a été le seul centre de plongée à demander une interview vidéo pour que nous puissions discuter de mes attentes ainsi que des leurs, pour être sûr que le format qu’ils proposaient me conviendrait. Cyril a pris le temps de tout m’expliquer et de répondre à toutes mes questions. J’ai tout de suite senti que l’équipe était sérieuse et super sympa, à la recherche de nouveaux membres de leur tribu ! Suite à cela je n’ai plus hésité et je me suis inscrite chez eux !

Et quelle bonne décision c’était ! Je n’aurais pas pu imaginer un meilleur endroit pour devenir plongeur ! Le divemaster se fait étape par étape pour construire des bases solides comme plongeur puis comme professionnel. Le centre de plongée est sérieux, bien organisé, axé sur la sécurité et l’enseignement, et a la meilleure équipe qui soit ! Les instructeurs, les divemasters, l’équipage du bateau, et les membres du bureau ont tout fait pour me faire sentir partie de l’équipe dès le début, avec gentillesse et bonne humeur !

Seb, qui a été mon mentor (et qui l’est toujours), est passionné par l’enseignement de la plongée et ça se sent. Il a le super pouvoir de rendre tout plus facile ! Et croyez-moi, quand vous serez confronté aux chapitres de “Sciences of diving”, vous vous vous sentirez chanceux d’avoir un Seb dans à vos côté ! Lui et toute l’équipe ont été tellement encourageants qu’ils m’ont poussée à aller plus loin en devenant instructive et a travaillé chez 3W maintenant !

J’ai toujours été une amoureuse des îles, et Gili Air est un petit paradis au milieu de l’océan. Une vraie ambiance d’île mais avec de très bons restaurants et des endroits pour boire des bières entre amis !

Avec tous les endroits où plonger dans le monde, j’ai choisi de rester un peu plus longtemps sur cette île magique, dans ce centre de plongée incroyable.

Click here to ask Florie about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.



Tribe Certified: Summer 2023
“I can’t get enough of this place and this island. I’m having the time of my life on Gili Air.”

My divemaster at 3W Dive was a life-changing adventure!

I graduated from university in 2022, where I got hooked on diving. I knew I wanted to dive more, but I had no idea where to go. After some serious googling, I found 3W Dive’s website, and it looked awesome. I sent them an email, and Cyril replied with such kindness and professionalism that I was sold right away.

When I got to Gili Air, I felt the vibe and the quality of the teaching. I was right to choose 3W Dive! Seb was my mentor, and he was amazing. He taught me everything I needed to know to be a better diver, and more.

I planned to do my divemaster in a few months, but I loved it so much that I stayed longer. And longer. And longer. A year later, I’m still here, working as an instructor (thanks to my divemaster training). I can’t get enough of this place and this island. I’m having the time of my life on Gili Air.

The island is a paradise, and the people are awesome. I met so many amazing people here, from travelers to fellow DMTs. I made friends for life.

My divemaster helped me grow as a person. I’m more confident, more skilled, and more passionate. I love teaching and sharing my love for diving. My DMT experience was rewarding and fun.

If you want to do your divemaster, do it at 3W Dive. You won’t regret it. I came from the UK with 10 dives and a wish to dive more. Now I’m working at a fantastic shop with a huge passion for diving. It changed my life!

Click here to ask Sam about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.



Tribe Certified: Summer 2023
“A hands-on experience, working and learning at a dive shop, and living the dream on a gorgeous island. What more could I ask for?”

I was itching to get back to diving for years, but I didn’t want to settle for any boring Divemaster course. I wanted something more than just sitting in a classroom and memorizing facts. I wanted to dive into the real deal, literally and figuratively. That’s when I stumbled upon 3W’s Divemaster internship program, and boy, was I hooked!

I did some research on other options, but none of them could compare to 3W’s offer: a hands-on experience, working and learning at a dive shop, and living the dream on a gorgeous island. What more could I ask for?

Cyril and the team were super helpful from the start. They answered all my questions, helped me with my visa, and gave me some tips on what gear to buy. When I arrived on the stunning Gili Air, they welcomed me with open arms and told me to take it easy and enjoy the island vibe. Kudos to them for making an overworked restaurant manager chill out!

I came to Gili Air with just over 30 dives under my belt, and barely any clue about diving except that I loved it. I left 70 days later with over 130 dives, and a ton of knowledge about everything that makes a good diver and dive professional. I learned about marine life, currents, dive sites, how to guide and wow other divers, and so much more. Sebastien even taught me the physics behind diving, dive planning, and safety procedures, and made it fun and interesting!

One of the best parts of the internship was working on the coral farm, which is growing bigger and better every day. It’s amazing what they’ve achieved and how hard they keep working for this noble cause.

Being part of the 3W tribe was an incredible experience. They all share a genuine love for diving, a thirst for adventure, and a dedication to protecting our amazing underwater world. They inspired me to be more confident and adventurous, and to pursue a life where I don’t have to choose between work and paradise. They can be one and the same!

Click here to ask Line about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.



Tribe Certified: June 2023
“L’esprit d’équipe, la magie du lieu, la douceur de vivre sur Gili Air, et la camaraderie avec mes collègues divemasters ont tissé ensemble les souvenirs de ces deux mois exceptionnels, inoubliables et transformateurs.”
En quête d’aventure et de renouveau professionnel, j’ai jeté mon dévolu sur le 3W Dive Center pour relever le défi de devenir divemaster. Mon objectif ? Pousser mes compétences de plongée à leur apogée et engranger une expérience précieuse. Ayant déjà eu le plaisir de plonger avec cette équipe de passionnés lors d’un précédent séjour, j’ai naturellement contacté Cyril pour lui présenter mon ambitieux projet.

Il a été très réactif ! En un rien de temps, nous organisions un entretien vidéo pour aligner nos visions. Cyril s’est montré d’une aide inestimable, me prodiguant des conseils avisés sur l’équipement à acquérir avant mon arrivée – et quel équipement ! Trois semaines plus tard, le cœur battant, je posais le pied sur la sublime île de Gili Air, prêt à plonger tête première dans cette nouvelle aventure.

L’apprentissage fut intense, l’enseignement de haute volée. L’équipe a été un phare dans la nuit, me guidant, me rassurant, et m’aidant à prendre confiance en moi. Mais au-delà d’une simple étape professionnelle, ce fut un voyage au cœur de l’humanité, une expérience gravée dans ma mémoire pour les années à venir.

L’esprit d’équipe, la magie du lieu, la douceur de vivre sur Gili Air, et la camaraderie avec mes collègues divemasters ont tissé ensemble les souvenirs de ces deux mois exceptionnels, inoubliables et transformateurs.

Click here to ask Bastien about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.


Tribe Certified: July 2022
“The 3W Dive tribe has high expectations for their interns, which pushed me to work harder and achieve more than I thought was possible.”
I recently completed a divemaster internship at 3W Dive center on Gili Air and it was an incredible experience.

The 3W Dive tribe has high expectations for their interns, which pushed me to work harder and achieve more than I thought was possible. The rewards for meeting these expectations were well worth the effort.

The short boat rides to the dive sites were a huge plus, as we were able to spend more time exploring the beautiful reefs and marine life. The dive staff also provided a pro, safe and comfortable environment for all of our dives, which allowed me to focus on improving my diving skills. The island vibes on Gili Air were also a huge highlight of my internship. The friendly and welcoming atmosphere made it easy to feel at home right away and the beautiful surroundings made it easy to relax and enjoy the island life style.

Overall, I highly recommend 3W Dive center for anyone looking to complete a divemaster apprenticeship on the Gili Air, as it offers a challenging and rewarding experience that will help you grow both personally and professionally.

Thank you to the tribe!

Click here to ask Nicolai about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.


Tribe Certified: July 2022
“Not only did I become a better diver, I also became a stronger leader, and learned how to keep control in stressful environments, which also helps me in other aspects of life.”
I had been planning on doing my divemaster for quite a while. After some research, I landed on Gili Air Island Indonesia.

It had everything I was looking for: beautiful diving, easy accessibility, and the typical tropical island feeling.

When it came to dive schools, 3W dive ticked every box for me. I wanted a dive center that would provide a safe and secure learning environment while challenging me to become a better diver, without having to worry about a hangover the next day. For me, it was never about becoming a dive professional, but rather strengthening my own skills, to an extent, where I would become comfortable taking friends in the water with me, without worrying about their safety. 3W dive divemaster apprenticeship gave me that self confidence.

Sebastien, Cyril, and the rest of the crew tailored the divemaster program perfectly to each of our needs, in a way where my own expectations were not only fulfilled but even surpassed.
 Due to limited time on my end, they provided me with a flexible solution, so that the theoretical part of the course, was already done before arriving on the island, so that I could put all my focus on the practical part of diving. This enabled me to enjoy my time even more, since I could put all of my already acquired theoretical knowledge to use and learn even more about the local marine life.

Not only did I become a better diver, I also became a stronger leader, and learned how to keep control in stressful environments, which also helps me in other aspects of life.

A big thank you to the entire 3W dive tribe and the other DMT’s, which made my stay unforgettable! Gili Air island will forever be a second home to me, and I look forward to returning in the future!

Click here to ask Winona about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.


Tribe Certified: May 2022
“Une expérience inoubliable, riche en émotion, en rencontre et en découverte.”
Comment je suis arrivé là  ?!
Envie de changement. Je n’avais pas plongée depuis 10ans Rencontre d’une personne qui m’a parlé du centre et lecture du site plus leur programme de restauration marine.

La tribu de 3W
Des gens d’une incroyable gentillesse, envie de partager, entraide…

La Formation
Je m’attendais à une formation conventionnele et j’ai été agréablement surpris de recevoir approche de formation individualisé en continue. Apprentissage par l’observation puis l’assistance, la mise en pratique et enfin la prise en charge de client sous supervision d’un instructeur. La théorie se passe à son rythme au travers d’un outil digital fourni par SSI. Les instructeurs et divemaster locaux sont toujours présent et ravie de répondre aux éventuelles questions. Mais surtout ils transmettent leur expérience qui est si précieuse car elle couvre la réalité du terrain… un savoir faire qui ne se trouve pas dans les livres. Aussi des conditions de plongée super confort avec une diversité qui permet un apprentissage complet dans une eau limpide. Les sites de plongée sont à moins de 30 min de bateau du centre ce qui permet un retour à la base entre les deux plongées. J’ai aussi pu participer au développement de leur ferme de corail.

La vie sur l’ile
Pas de voiture, pas de moteur, seulement des tongues et des vélos. Petite ile donc juste assez d’activité pour ne pas s’égarer mais rester concentré sur la formation. Changement total de rythme de vie, plus naturel, tranquil au soleil. Réveil tôt avec le soleil, direction le centre pour une journée de plongées, partager un repas local le midi pour finir la journée par un magnifique Sunset sur la plage au-dessus du Mont Batur.

Une expérience inoubliable, riche en émotion, en rencontre et en découverte. Que ce soit pour évoluer professionnellement ou non dans le monde de la plongée, cette formation allie parfaitement le sérieux et l’amusement pour fournir une qualité d’enseignement exceptionnelle dans un cadre magique. Si vous hésitez, arrêtez et rejoignez la tribu de 3W !

Click here to ask Maxime about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
DM Timo


Tribe Certified: March 2020
“I don’t think I could have picked a better place and dive shop!”
I have spent 6 months on Gili Air and doing my Divemaster Internship with 3WDive. Before I decided to start my Divemaster course there, I did a good amount of research. I was looking for a place with a good balance of diving and lifestyle, and I don’t think I could have picked a better place and dive shop!

I arrived on Gili Air with only 25 dives and did my Rescue Course and Divemaster at 3WDive. Thanks to the excellent training and being around skilled divers for half a year, I left the island as a confident diver, ready for the next step in my driving career.

I really enjoyed the mix of professionalism and fun at 3W, which I find is very important when you spend such a long time at the place. Each DMT is mentored by an instructor, who is taking care of the training and makes sure you complete it as a true master in scuba diving. I also assisted other instructors and learned different teaching techniques and dive basics.

Besides diving, Gili Air is the perfect place to spend a few months and experience the island life. I really enjoyed the vibe on the island and the local life. It took me only a short time getting to know many of the locals and other people call Gili Air their home. The amazing food is another reason I fell in love with the island; there is a great mix of various local warungs and Western restaurants – something for every budget and taste.

Altogether, I can really recommend doing the Divemaster Internship on Gili Air and joining the 3W tribe for a life-changing experience. I left the island with plenty of great memories and can call myself a Divemaster now. Thanks, 3WDive for this amazing time!

Click here to ask Timo about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
DM Morgane


Tribe Certified: March 2020
“The education I received at 3W was far above what I thought I would learn during this experience.”
I had been thinking for a while about doing my Divemaster. I was searching for a place with a good combination of beautiful dives, cheap cost of living and relaxed way of life. Turns out that Gili Air was the perfect destination!

When choosing a dive shop, I didn’t want a program rushed in 5 weeks where I would just get certified by ticking the boxes of requirement. I wanted to take the time to gain valuable skills and experience life being involved in the dive industry. The DMT program at 3W perfectly matched what I was looking for.

I must confess, when I arrived I was a little bit surprised by the number of DMT students in the dive shop (we were 6). Later, I realized that learning in a group is an enriching experience. This highly contributed to my progression. We could support each other, practice briefings together and guide each other. The knowledge and tips shared in the group helped me to become more confident in myself. This has also been a great opportunity to build new friendships that will stand the test of time.

Overall, the education I received at 3W was far above what I thought I would learn during this experience. This was thanks to all the staff involved in the DMT course. Also, a special thanks goes to my mentor. He made me want to outdo myself in everything, expand my knowledge about the science of diving, marine life, my way of guiding and how to share my passion with diving customers.

These few months have been an incredible experience with lots of fun, on an amazing island, with amazing people!

Click here to ask Morgane about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
DM Clement


Tribe Certified: October 2019
“Everything in the shop is super well organised, and the schedule for the divemaster program is perfectly adapted to every kind of level.”
I’ve spent almost 6 months with the 3W tribe and it couldn’t have been more perfect!

When I started the internship I was a “baby diver”: Open Water, with 25 dives, and I finished with 250 dives, and a lot of confidence and experience in guiding divers.

Everything in the shop is super well organised, and the schedule for the divemaster program is perfectly adapted to every kind of level. I had a mentor for the whole program, but of course I assisted and learnt from all of the instructors. And the last month and a half, I guided all kind of people – from new open water divers with 5 dives, to divemasters with more than 500 dives! – so I could improve my guiding skills and gain a lot of experience. I really thank them for that. There is a huge difference between what I lived here at 3WDive, and a very fast divemaster training in 6 weeks (sometimes even less!) that can be found elsewhere.

The dives themselves are diversified and full of life. Of course I saw a lot of turtles (almost on every dive) but also sharks, rays, macro, and all kinds of tropical fishes. Some are muck dives, others are drift dives (sometimes with funny current), there are two wrecks, and I did quite a lot of night dives and so on… And I had the opportunity to do a coral course and to help in the coral farm which was an amazing experience!

And last but not least, life in Gili Air is perfect. It’s such a happiness to take your bike in the morning, go diving, enjoy cheap local food for lunch, and end the day with a wonderful sunset on the beach… and then start again the next day… and do it everyday!

Honestly, this was one of the best experience in my life, and I will never forget it. Thank you 3W for these awesome 6 months with you!

Click here to ask Clement about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
DM Susan


Tribe Certified: September 2019
“Joining the Tribe, and becoming a professional diver was the best idea I ever had!”
After traveling five months around Australia and taking my AOW Course, I came to understand that I belong to the ocean and that I didn’t want to go back to my monotonous life behind a desk in a boring bank office. I came to Gili Air (and found a paradise on earth) with the idea of ​​enjoying 10 days of diving and becoming a rescue diver. At the end I postponed my flight twice, and I spent a whole month being part of the 3WDive tribe as a customer.

When I had to come back to Switzerland, in my mind there was just the idea to save money, buy all my gear and be back as soon as possible to realise my underwater dream: become a mermaid.

Now, I have been living in this paradise for seven months and I’m feeling 100% part of the beautiful 3WDive tribe. Joining the tribe, and becoming a professional diver was the best idea I’ve ever had!

I immediately felt at home and the staff were so encouraging, bringing out the best in me everyday. Today I’m a divemaster thanks to the time and the patience that my amazing mentor has dedicated to me: thank you for everything Camille – I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher! During my journey I have tried to learn and take the best from all the staff members to create my own style, and now feel more confident as a dive professional.

You can find the perfect blend of professionalism and fun at 3WDive. My DMT life was like living a dream: daily dives to discover the underwater world, assisting various instructors and learning the different teaching methods, mapping dive spots to understand where to find what…simply becoming a master in scuba diving. But the best part is the end of the day – when you are tired as hell – and you see smiling customers full of happiness, always ready to dive again.

Furthermore, life on Gili is simply wonderful: early waking up on an island without cars, smog or traffic; taking your bike to discover the narrow streets and get in touch with local people, who are always smiling, friendly, welcoming and ready to have a chat; then ending the day in front of a stunning colourful sunset with all your friends. The vibes of the island make you want to stay longer and longer, and now that my departure is close, I already know that a piece of my heart will remain here. But I’m ready for a new adventure, the next chapter of my book. Thanks 3W family for this unbelievable experience.

If you are thinking about becoming a Divemaster or simply discovering the world under the surface, these are the steps to follow: 1. stop hesitating 2. book your flight 3. and… JOIN the 3W Dive Tribe!

Click here to ask Susan about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
DM Sandra


Tribe Certified: January 2019
“The internship goes way beyond the minimum requirements for a divemaster course for many reasons!”
My scuba diving adventure started when I was travelling around Southeast Asia 2018. It opened my eyes to a new world, the underwater world and I immediately fell in love with diving. One year later I returned to Gili Air to spend the next couple of months doing my divemaster training at 3WDive, and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.

 The best thing about 3WDive is the amazing people. The staff and the instructors are like one big family and they are very welcoming. As a divemaster trainee I had one instructor as my mentor. With her, I had encouragement and mentoring every step of the way. I spent time with all the instructors and divemasters at the shop, and I learned something from everyone.

The internship goes way beyond the minimum requirements for a divemaster course for many reasons: You can take your time to do your training and stay in the shop to get experience for 6 months; and they will make sure you get a real experience with challenges, to build up the confidence of your own ability.

What did I get to do during my Divemaster Internship? I followed all kinds of courses with the instructors; I watched, assisted and learned. I got to assist courses in the pool and in the ocean. I helped out to set up the equipment and learned about all the gear. I learned how to navigate and guide around different dive sites. I got to practice custumer service. I got to lead dives. And the best thing; I got to share my passion, seeing new divers discover the underwater world and meeting turtles for the first time!

I really enjoyed staying at Gili Air. The island is small, surrounded by white sand, turquoise water and beautiful snorkeling. The local people are really kind and welcoming, always smiling. My first day here I bought a bike, which is a necessary at the island because there is no cars or motorbikes. It makes the island very peaceful and beautiful, with all the small streets and paths to explore. There is a lot of good restaurants all over the island, and nice beach bars to enjoy drinks for sunset. 

I had the time of my life doing the divemaster internship. It is soooo much fun, but it is also an intense time of training where you learn a lot of new stuff, you will be expected to be a part of the team , which is exactly why I would recommend everyone to do their Divemaster at 3Wdive!

Click here to ask Sandra about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
divemaster interns


Tribe Certified: December 2018
“It was fun and so rewarding – an incredible experience!”
For my divemaster training, I wanted a personal yet professional shop (that was not one of the biggest ones) in a tropical destination which is neither crowded by partying backpacking groups nor the top spot for honeymooners. I was looking for an international atmosphere in the shop as well, and a surrounding in which I would feel comfortable to stay for two months at least. I found all of this at 3W Dive on Gili Air.

The team was great from the start: the ladies in the office and Cyril helped me with the application for the visa and provided me with all the information I needed for my journey over there. Once I arrived, it was super easy to settle in, they helped out when I was trying to find a place to stay long-term and everyone was very welcoming, ready to give me recommendations on where to eat, shop, drink and find the things I needed.

The course itself was well-structured. There was a board in the shop on which we would track my progress concerning skills and requirements. The theory part I mostly did for myself but if I had any questions, any of the instructors in the shop were always happy to help. I could also always practice skills in the pool in my own time with someone nearby to help if I needed further advice. I was super excited when I got to assist on the dive courses and get a feel for what it’s like to teach others a new skill, about the ocean, diving and then take them to a new world they had not yet discovered. It was fun and so rewarding – an incredible experience! And of course the refreshing beer at sunset is not to be missed 🙂

The island of Gili Air is super easy to feel at home and fall in love with. There is not much to do besides diving but since I wanted to focus on the course and just dive, it was perfect. I really like the set-up of the diving around the Gili Islands: the furthest dive site is max 25min away so you come home to the shop between the dives to rest, get some food and get ready for the next dive. I think especially for a divemaster course it’s ideal.

Also, the people on the island are just lovely and helpful. I left my credit card in an ATM one day, lost my phone the other. Both were retrieved and kindly returned with a big smile. And because it’s such a small island and many people go there for their love of the island life, diving and the ocean, there’s a sense of togetherness making it super easy to meet people and make friends.

What I also really enjoyed were the beach clean ups with “Trash Hero” – an organisation the dive shop is associated with. We also went to weekly cleanups organised by different dive shops around the island who got the local kids involved and were the start of many interesting conversations.

So all in all, it was the perfect mix I had been looking for. The only box 3W and Gili Air didn’t tick: I had hoped to do my DMT in a place I had not been to or dived at before. I had only been to the Gili Islands the year before but since 3W was my favourite choice, I ended up in a familiar area after all. Just let me say this: I wish I could’ve stayed longer and hope to be back (again) before too long! Thank you to the 3W tribe, you rock!

Click here to ask Carola about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
divemaster interns


Tribe Certified: March 2018
“The Divemaster Internship I did with 3W Dive was easily one of the best experiences of my life!”
For starters, if you’re looking to do your Divemaster course, Gili Air is the best place for it. Extremely conducive dive sites, with beautiful and rich marine life inspired me to get up early and head out to sea everyday (over the 1.5 months I was there) – it also provided a great environment to practice my skills as a dive professional, especially guiding dives for the first time. And 3W Dive has to be the place for your course. The instructors there were very friendly and most importantly, professional – they had a good balance of strictness so you learn the essential skills you’ll most definitely apply as a dive professional, but also allowed you to experiment and find your own approach as you grow in your dive career.

The instructors were also very supportive, providing me with important feedback during my exams, course assists or dive leads. Fortunately for us as Divemaster Trainees, we are given one expert instructor-mentor throughout our course who will tailor the training for us and provide support and guidance along the way – mine was Max and he was extremely helpful and professional – couldn’t have asked for a better mentor! I think ultimately, 3W Dive gave me the right setting to be exposed to what it meant to be a dive professional. The customers were varied and you can indeed expect challenges to come your way – but that’s all part and parcel of learning and stepping out of your comfort zone so when you encounter such challenges outside your course, you will be more than ready to react. This is one of the biggest takeaways from the Divemaster Internship with 3W Dive.

If you are hesitant about where to do your course, or if you will have a fruitful and meaningful experience – definitely look no further, 3W Dive is the perfect place to kickstart your journey as a Dive Pro! (And no, I wasn’t paid to say this – everything is definitely from the heart, come experience it yourself, I mean it!)

Click here to ask Nathaniel about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
divemaster intern


Tribe Certified: August 2017
“I am deeply happy to have lived this amazing experience with these amazing people of the 3W Dive Tribe.”
I was planning to come to the Gilis to do my Divemaster internship for over a year and a half because it was my dream to work as a professional diver, and I wanted to make it happen. I came here with my best friend to share this adventure, and we already knew someone who worked on Gili Air as an instructor, so he recommended 3W Dive to us.

And that’s how we arrived at the dive shop a few months later, with our common friend who turned out to be our instructor for the Divemaster. I was pleased to discover an amazing dive shop, very well organised and equipped, with the most lovely and diverse people I had the pleasure to meet.

I would highly recommend 3W Dive for the Divemaster internship because no matter what, everyone will take the time to dive with you, give you personal advice and lessons, and there is no better shop on the island that combines professionalism and empathy. When I arrived, I was a pure beginner and had never even dived in the open water before, and 4 months later I was a certified Divemaster with skills and professionalism, and I am so grateful to 3W for helping me with this achievement.

I am deeply happy to have lived this amazing experience with these amazing people of the 3W Dive Tribe, whom I can’t wait to see again.

Click here to ask Thibaut about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
divemaster interns


Tribe Certified: May 2017
“I have never come across such a professional and thorough dive shop…”
My scuba diving adventures started with 3W Dive 2 years ago when I completed my Open Water Course and since then I have been completely hooked to diving. I have never come across such a professional and thorough dive shop who care about the safety and needs of their customers, so it was an easy decision to make when I was trying to decide where to do my divemaster training.

Max, my supervising instructor, was fabulous as were the rest of the team. I was challenged in a safe environment and I feel like a much more confident diver who is able to guide customers and deal with many situations underwater.

I fell in love with the island and that’s why I haven’t left yet! The water is always the most amazing colour and there is a great mixture of night life, restaurants and places to relax and the sunsets are up there with the most beautiful I’ve seen.

I highly recommend doing any kind of course here at 3W Dive, especially your divemaster training. They make you feel like you’re part of the family and they will always be part of mine! Thanks for the great memories.

Click here to ask Jaclyn about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
divemaster intern


Tribe Certified: February 2017
“Being part of the 3W Dive’s team to do the dive master internship was a blast to me!”
Being part of the 3W Dive’s team to do the dive master internship was a blast to me!

I was perfectly taken care of, guided and trained by real professional divers, with  a great variety of training brought by different nationalities and personalities!

Being trained to be a professional diver myself was a lifetime experience that I highly recommend to everyone! Cyril and José are great guys with whom it’s been a pleasure to learn my new passion and job! Thank you so much to all of you!

Click here to ask Marion about her Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.


Tribe Certified: May 2016
“From the moment I arrived, I felt welcomed by all the guys working there.”
I was looking into how to become a divemaster I was searching for a small dive shop to carry out my divemaster internship in Bali or Indonesia, rather than a big dive factory, so 3W seemed like just the right fit. Apart from the usual PADI requirements, Cyril’s goal was to teach you to master the elements. I soon realised this guy put a lot of thought into his teaching and was also a lot of fun to hang out with. So for six weeks of my divemaster internship, I became part of the 3W family. From the moment I arrived, I felt welcomed by all the guys working there. We ate together, partied together and dived together.

Gili Air is simply amazing. Instead of noisy cars and scooters, they have little horse carriages called Cidomos. For me, that was the biggest plus because it created an engine free, laidback atmosphere for me to carry out my divemaster training in. Another big advantage was the diversity of the island if you want to party you can if you want to enjoy a calm environment you can. They really do have it all on Gili Air.

So after my six-week Indonesian divemaster internship, I was not only a divemaster, I was also a better diver that left with amazing memories, new lifelong friends, was a more relaxed person and to top it all off, had lost twelve kilos without even trying!

Cyril was the best teacher I could have asked for. With great patience, infinite knowledge about diving and an infectious love of diving that he shared with all who crossed his path, he made me the Divemaster I wanted to be.

Click here to ask Markus about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.
divemaster interns


Tribe Certified: January 2016
“It’s easy to fit in at 3W Dive because the atmosphere is super cool while remaining VERY professional.”
The first time I came to 3w Dive was in November 2015. I came to dive for 2 weeks on Gili Air and finally decided to go back there to do my Divemaster and later become an instructor.

I did my Divemaster PADI with Cyril in June 2016, who taught me all the tricks to know how to be a good Divemaster, on top of the standard Divemaster program. I arrived at 3w with my level3 CMAS and more than 300 dives. My goal was to advance professionally in the diving world and Cyril fulfilled all my expectations and requests…

So my Divemaster training, was a marvel, I passed my Divemaster certification within 4 weeks and then I gained a lot of experience guiding certified divers during the 3 months that followed, which is priceless. Training is one thing but real experience is something else!

It’s easy to fit in at 3W Dive because the atmosphere is super cool while remaining VERY professional… Which is very important for me considering that I come from a family of divers, my father being a CMAS instructor, I did not want a low-end training where I was not going to learn much. For a while I thought that I could do my Divemaster for free as I found a dive center in Mexico that was offering free training against work, however after talking to a couple of people that did the divemaster this way, I quickly realized that this option wasn’t for me as I had high expectations about my Divemaster Internship. And I don’t regret my choice, as at 3W I received a deep and complete dive training. One thing that made a big difference I think is that the dive shop is run by people that are qualified in more than one diving agency, SSI, PADI and not recreational diving CMAS for example, so you get a glimpse of other types of training. Also, being trained by instructors that have worked all around the world, in different sea conditions, and with different operations, is valuable. The experience they have to share is precious!>br>
I strongly recommend 3W Dive to anyone who is looking to do the Divemaster Internship. Cyril is professional and very pedagogue with a lot of knowledge. If you were hesitating, do not hesitate anymore!

Click here to ask Samir about his Divemaster Internship at 3W Dive via Facebook.